Sump Pumps

SUMP PUMP & BATTERY BACKUP SYSTEMS Waterproofing your basement in Atlanta, GA

THE PROBLEM When water seeps into your home, not only can it cause foul, musty odors, but it contributes to mold and mildew growth as well, which can pose a health risk. What’s more, water in your basement can lead to costly structural damage, not only in your house but also on your foundation.

PRODUCTS FOR REPAIR A sump pump is a motorized device that sits in a basin or “sump pit,” typically in a basement floor, though sump pumps can also be installed outdoors in areas that are prone to flooding. In the event of a flood or heavy rain, as water collects in the sump pit, the system will switch on and pump the water out to a predetermined dispersal point, safely away from your home. THE PROCESS Sump pump installation starts with cutting a hole into the floor. The excavation is then lined with filter fabric, a plastic perforated sump is then installed. Then, one primary pump and one battery backup pump are placed inside the pit and a backflow valve is plumbed on the discharge lines. A sealed sump lid is then installed and the floor or vapor barrier is detailed around the sump lid.

THE GOOD NEWS Typically, the primary sump pump can quietly remove up to 2,100 gallons of water per hour. The battery backup pump is able to remove up to 13,000 gallons of water on a single battery charge. Not to mention the sump lids can be easily removed to provide convenient access to the pumps should they need to be serviced.

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